A New Home in Edinburgh

The Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust at 77 Brunswick Street

The Trust has found new premises and is looking for staff

The Trust has finally found a new property in Edinburgh where we will move in the late spring/early summer. It has taken an extraordinary amount of time to find the right premises since Balmungo House was sold in 2014 but it has been a worthwhile wait as this new home suits us perfectly.


As a consequence we are now looking for two new staff members; Director and Collection Manager. The Director is a new post. The successful applicant will be responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of the Trust as well as initiating new projects and helping deliver the Trust’s aims and objectives.


The Collection Manager will be responsible for looking after Willie Barns-Graham’s legacy, the collection of her art from her studios in St Ives and St Andrews.


Information about each post and how to apply can be found by these links:


Art Collection Manager


More details about our new home will be posted in the coming weeks.