Opening at the Belgrave Gallery, St Ives

Untitled I (View of St Ives), 1943. The Ingram Collection © Wilhelmina Barns Graham-Trust

[View of St Ives], 1943, Pen, ink and watercolour on paper, BGT1356

Wilhelmina Barns-Graham: St Andrews and St Ives

This show is designed to mirror the exhibition ‘Wilhelmina Barns-Graham – a Scottish artist in St Ives’ currently on view at Penlee House in Penzance. It too presents a collection paintings and drawings that explore the significant Scottish influences, both culturally through her training at Edinburgh College of Art and by dividing her time between St Andrews and St Ives. See the main news item for the Penlee House show for more details. Highlights include the extraordinary early portrait of Mrs Rodgers who tended the bar at St Ives renowned Sloop Inn (c1945, a fine watercolour view of St Ives (1943), and rock theme gouache (1953).


To see the exhibition on-line, go here.


Belgrave Gallery, 22 Fore Street, St Ives, Cornwall TR26 1HE.  10 September – 3 October


Mrs Rodgers at the Sloop c1945

Mrs Rodgers at the Sloop c1945